本帖最后由 蒜泥小猫 于 2014-8-13 11:33 编辑
如今语音识别在PC机和智能手机上炒的火热,ROS走在技术的最前沿当然也不会错过这么帅的技术。ROS中使用了CMU Sphinx和Festival开源项目中的代码,发布了独立的语音识别包,而且可以将识别出来的语音转换成文字,然后让机器人智能处理后说话。
1、安装 安装很简单,直接使用ubuntu命令即可,首先安装依赖库:
- [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_598 ]nbsp;sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-pocketsphinx
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_598 ]nbsp;sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-audio-common
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_598 ]nbsp;sudo apt-get install libasound2
复制代码 然后来安装ROS包: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_599 ]nbsp;svn checkout http://albany-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/rharmony
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_599 ]nbsp;rosmake pocketsphinx
复制代码 其中的核心文件就是nodes文件夹下的recognizer.py文件了。这个文件通过麦克风收集语音信息,然后调用语音识别库进行识别生成文本信息,通过/recognizer/output消息发布,其他节点就可以订阅该消息然后进行相应的处理了。
2、测试 安装完成后我们就可以运行测试了。
然后,运行包中的测试程序: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_600 ]nbsp;roslaunch pocketsphinx robocup.launch
复制代码 此时,在终端中会看到一大段的信息。尝试说一些简单的语句,当然,必须是英语,例如:bring me the glass,come with me,看看能不能识别出来。
我们也可以直接看ROS最后发布的结果消息: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_601 ]nbsp;rostopic echo /recognizer/output
1、查看语音库 这个语音识别时一种离线识别的方法,将一些常用的词汇放到一个文件中,作为识别的文本库,然后分段识别语音信号,最后在库中搜索对应的文本信息。如果想看语音识别库中有哪些文本信息,可以通过下面的指令进行查询: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_602 ]nbsp;roscd pocketsphinx/demo
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_602 ]nbsp;more robocup.corpus
复制代码 2、添加语音库 我们可以自己向语音库中添加其他的文本识别信息,《ros by example》自带的例程中是带有语音识别的例程的,而且有添加语音库的例子。
首先看看例子中要添加的文本信息: [plain] view plaincopy
$ roscd rbx1_speech/config
$ more nav_commands.txt
把下载的文件都解压放在rbx1_speech包的config文件夹下。我们可以给这些文件改个名字: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_603 ]nbsp;roscd rbx1_speech/config
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_603 ]nbsp;rename -f 's/3026/nav_commands/' *
复制代码 在rbx1_speech/launch文件夹下看看voice_nav_commands.launch这个文件:
- [plain] view plaincopy
- <launch>
- <node name="recognizer" pkg="pocketsphinx" type="recognizer.py"
- output="screen">
- <param name="lm" value="$(find rbx1_speech)/config/nav_commands.lm"/>
- <param name="dict" value="$(find rbx1_speech)/config/nav_commands.dic"/>
- </node>
- </launch>
复制代码 可以看到,这个launch文件在运行recognizer.py节点的时候使用了我们生成的语音识别库和文件参数,这样就可以实用我们自己的语音库来进行语音识别了。
- [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_605 ]nbsp;roslaunch rbx1_speech voice_nav_commands.launch
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_605 ]nbsp;rostopic echo /recognizer/output
复制代码 三、语音控制 有了语音识别,我们就可以来做很多犀利的应用了,首先先来尝试一下用语音来控制机器人动作。
1、机器人控制节点 前面说到的recognizer.py会将最后识别的文本信息通过消息发布,那么我们来编写一个机器人控制节点接收这个消息,进行相应的控制即可。
在pocketsphinx包中本身有一个语音控制发布Twist消息的例程voice_cmd_vel.py,rbx1_speech包对其进行了一些简化修改,在nodes文件夹里可以查看voice_nav.py文件: - [python] view plaincopy
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- voice_nav.py
- Allows controlling a mobile base using simple speech commands.
- Based on the voice_cmd_vel.py script by Michael Ferguson in
- the pocketsphinx ROS package.
- See http://www.ros.org/wiki/pocketsphinx
- """
- import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('rbx1_speech')
- import rospy
- from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
- from std_msgs.msg import String
- from math import copysign
- class VoiceNav:
- def __init__(self):
- rospy.init_node('voice_nav')
- rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup)
- # Set a number of parameters affecting the robot's speed
- self.max_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_speed", 0.4)
- self.max_angular_speed = rospy.get_param("~max_angular_speed", 1.5)
- self.speed = rospy.get_param("~start_speed", 0.1)
- self.angular_speed = rospy.get_param("~start_angular_speed", 0.5)
- self.linear_increment = rospy.get_param("~linear_increment", 0.05)
- self.angular_increment = rospy.get_param("~angular_increment", 0.4)
- # We don't have to run the script very fast
- self.rate = rospy.get_param("~rate", 5)
- r = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
- # A flag to determine whether or not voice control is paused
- self.paused = False
- # Initialize the Twist message we will publish.
- self.cmd_vel = Twist()
- # Publish the Twist message to the cmd_vel topic
- self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist)
- # Subscribe to the /recognizer/output topic to receive voice commands.
- rospy.Subscriber('/recognizer/output', String, self.speech_callback)
- # A mapping from keywords or phrases to commands
- self.keywords_to_command = {'stop': ['stop', 'halt', 'abort', 'kill', 'panic', 'off', 'freeze', 'shut down', 'turn off', 'help', 'help me'],
- 'slower': ['slow down', 'slower'],
- 'faster': ['speed up', 'faster'],
- 'forward': ['forward', 'ahead', 'straight'],
- 'backward': ['back', 'backward', 'back up'],
- 'rotate left': ['rotate left'],
- 'rotate right': ['rotate right'],
- 'turn left': ['turn left'],
- 'turn right': ['turn right'],
- 'quarter': ['quarter speed'],
- 'half': ['half speed'],
- 'full': ['full speed'],
- 'pause': ['pause speech'],
- 'continue': ['continue speech']}
- rospy.loginfo("Ready to receive voice commands")
- # We have to keep publishing the cmd_vel message if we want the robot to keep moving.
- while not rospy.is_shutdown():
- self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(self.cmd_vel)
- r.sleep()
- def get_command(self, data):
- # Attempt to match the recognized word or phrase to the
- # keywords_to_command dictionary and return the appropriate
- # command
- for (command, keywords) in self.keywords_to_command.iteritems():
- for word in keywords:
- if data.find(word) > -1:
- return command
- def speech_callback(self, msg):
- # Get the motion command from the recognized phrase
- command = self.get_command(msg.data)
- # Log the command to the screen
- rospy.loginfo("Command: " + str(command))
- # If the user has asked to pause/continue voice control,
- # set the flag accordingly
- if command == 'pause':
- self.paused = True
- elif command == 'continue':
- self.paused = False
- # If voice control is paused, simply return without
- # performing any action
- if self.paused:
- return
- # The list of if-then statements should be fairly
- # self-explanatory
- if command == 'forward':
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = self.speed
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = 0
- elif command == 'rotate left':
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = 0
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = self.angular_speed
- elif command == 'rotate right':
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = 0
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = -self.angular_speed
- elif command == 'turn left':
- if self.cmd_vel.linear.x != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z += self.angular_increment
- else:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = self.angular_speed
- elif command == 'turn right':
- if self.cmd_vel.linear.x != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z -= self.angular_increment
- else:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = -self.angular_speed
- elif command == 'backward':
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = -self.speed
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = 0
- elif command == 'stop':
- # Stop the robot! Publish a Twist message consisting of all zeros.
- self.cmd_vel = Twist()
- elif command == 'faster':
- self.speed += self.linear_increment
- self.angular_speed += self.angular_increment
- if self.cmd_vel.linear.x != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x += copysign(self.linear_increment, self.cmd_vel.linear.x)
- if self.cmd_vel.angular.z != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z += copysign(self.angular_increment, self.cmd_vel.angular.z)
- elif command == 'slower':
- self.speed -= self.linear_increment
- self.angular_speed -= self.angular_increment
- if self.cmd_vel.linear.x != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x -= copysign(self.linear_increment, self.cmd_vel.linear.x)
- if self.cmd_vel.angular.z != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z -= copysign(self.angular_increment, self.cmd_vel.angular.z)
- elif command in ['quarter', 'half', 'full']:
- if command == 'quarter':
- self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed / 4, self.speed)
- elif command == 'half':
- self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed / 2, self.speed)
- elif command == 'full':
- self.speed = copysign(self.max_speed, self.speed)
- if self.cmd_vel.linear.x != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = copysign(self.speed, self.cmd_vel.linear.x)
- if self.cmd_vel.angular.z != 0:
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = copysign(self.angular_speed, self.cmd_vel.angular.z)
- else:
- return
- self.cmd_vel.linear.x = min(self.max_speed, max(-self.max_speed, self.cmd_vel.linear.x))
- self.cmd_vel.angular.z = min(self.max_angular_speed, max(-self.max_angular_speed, self.cmd_vel.angular.z))
- def cleanup(self):
- # When shutting down be sure to stop the robot!
- twist = Twist()
- self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(twist)
- rospy.sleep(1)
- if __name__=="__main__":
- try:
- VoiceNav()
- rospy.spin()
- except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
- rospy.loginfo("Voice navigation terminated.")
复制代码 可以看到,代码中定义了接收到各种命令时的控制策略。
2、仿真测试 和前面一样,我们在rviz中进行仿真测试。
首先是运行一个机器人模型: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_607 ]nbsp;roslaunch rbx1_bringup fake_turtlebot.launch
复制代码然后打开rviz: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_608 ]nbsp;rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find rbx1_nav`/sim_fuerte.vcg
复制代码 如果不喜欢在终端里看输出,可以打开gui界面: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_609 ]nbsp;rxconsole
复制代码再打开语音识别的节点: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_610 ]nbsp;roslaunch rbx1_speech voice_nav_commands.launch
复制代码最后就是机器人的控制节点了: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_611 ]nbsp;roslaunch rbx1_speech turtlebot_voice_nav.launch
复制代码 OK,打开上面这一堆的节点之后,就可以开始了。可以使用的命令如下: 下图是测试结果,准确度还是欠佳的:
四、播放语音 现在机器人已经可以按照我们说的话行动了,要是机器人可以和我们对话就更好了。ROS中已经集成了这样的包,下面就来尝试一下。
- [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_612 ]nbsp;rosrun sound_play soundplay_node.py
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_612 ]nbsp;rosrun sound_play say.py "Greetings Humans. Take me to your leader."
复制代码 有没有听见声音!ROS通过识别我们输入的文本,让机器人读了出来。发出这个声音的人叫做kal_diphone,如果不喜欢,我们也可以换一个人来读:
- [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_613 ]nbsp;sudo apt-get install festvox-don
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_613 ]nbsp;rosrun sound_play say.py "Welcome to the future" voice_don_diphone
复制代码 哈哈,这回换了一个人吧,好吧,这不也是我们的重点。
- [python] view plaincopy
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- talkback.py - Version 0.1 2012-01-10
- Use the sound_play client to say back what is heard by the pocketsphinx recognizer.
- Created for the Pi Robot Project: http://www.pirobot.org
- Copyright (c) 2012 Patrick Goebel. All rights reserved.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.5
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details at:
- http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.htmlPoint
- """
- import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('rbx1_speech')
- import rospy
- from std_msgs.msg import String
- from sound_play.libsoundplay import SoundClient
- import sys
- class TalkBack:
- def __init__(self, script_path):
- rospy.init_node('talkback')
- rospy.on_shutdown(self.cleanup)
- # Set the default TTS voice to use
- self.voice = rospy.get_param("~voice", "voice_don_diphone")
- # Set the wave file path if used
- self.wavepath = rospy.get_param("~wavepath", script_path + "/../sounds")
- # Create the sound client object
- self.soundhandle = SoundClient()
- # Wait a moment to let the client connect to the
- # sound_play server
- rospy.sleep(1)
- # Make sure any lingering sound_play processes are stopped.
- self.soundhandle.stopAll()
- # Announce that we are ready for input
- self.soundhandle.playWave(self.wavepath + "/R2D2a.wav")
- rospy.sleep(1)
- self.soundhandle.say("Ready", self.voice)
- rospy.loginfo("Say one of the navigation commands...")
- # Subscribe to the recognizer output and set the callback function
- rospy.Subscriber('/recognizer/output', String, self.talkback)
- def talkback(self, msg):
- # Print the recognized words on the screen
- rospy.loginfo(msg.data)
- # Speak the recognized words in the selected voice
- self.soundhandle.say(msg.data, self.voice)
- # Uncomment to play one of the built-in sounds
- #rospy.sleep(2)
- #self.soundhandle.play(5)
- # Uncomment to play a wave file
- #rospy.sleep(2)
- #self.soundhandle.playWave(self.wavepath + "/R2D2a.wav")
- def cleanup(self):
- self.soundhandle.stopAll()
- rospy.loginfo("Shutting down talkback node...")
- if __name__=="__main__":
- try:
- TalkBack(sys.path[0])
- rospy.spin()
- except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
- rospy.loginfo("Talkback node terminated.")
复制代码 我们来运行看一下效果: - [plain] view plaincopy
- [ DISCUZ_CODE_615 ]nbsp;roslaunch rbx1_speech talkback.launch
复制代码 然后再说话,ROS不仅将文本信息识别出来了,而且还读了出来,厉害吧。当然了,现在还没有加入什么人工智能的算法,不能让机器人和我们聪明的说话,不过这算是基础了,以后有时间再研究一下人工智能就更犀利了。